Five GrandCentral Beta Invites

So, Insidious Rodent, and I have been wanting to host a contest for the longest time now, but with poor traffic the idea of having a large scale contest this early in the life of this blog is next to impossible. So I have sitting here five invites to the beta web service Grand Central. I'm really not going to go into detail here about what Grand Central does, because odds are if you are reading this you already know. So if you want to get a invite to one of the most revolutionary FREE software this year, post below, a comment and your email!

This is not a contest in the least, and we are not profiting in any way of off this, but since I have 5 remaining invites I thought I should share it with the people subscribed to us (all five of you)

siva guren


Seshu Karthick said...

Hey dude... Nice posts. I'm enjoying the read. Can I please get an invite for GrandCentral. I appreciate it. Thanks!

cosmican at gmail dat com

siva guren said...

ok, sent!