PMOG (quick review)

Basically the concept behind PMOG is to incorporate a passive game into your everyday web browsing. You as a member are able to place mines, lamposts, portals and crates on individual pages. You can also be associated with different classes as you progress, which is determined by the number of each item you use. The character art is an blend of industrial / steampunk and is really a acquired taste. To be honest I wasn't the biggest fan of the art scheme when I first started playing, but it grew on me as I played more. Granted its still in its beta form so there still are some bugs (and exploits ;3 ) that still need to worked out, but other then that this is certainly a addicting game to play, and once it comes out of beta I would pick it up immediately. This is a firefox only game, so if you haven't already I would highly suggest upgrading to firefox. All in all past all the bugs and minor annoyances this is a game I would highly recommend for any person who frequents the internet.

I realize this review is choppy and doesn't really go into much detail, but unfortunately I am not in a situation to write much more then this, so I will have to put of the full review until a later date.

I really didn't steal this article from kotaku. This was posted on 2/7/08, while the kotaku one was posted 2/9/08. If I ever take news from another site I always credit them in the [ source ] link.